A SIP trunk binding doesn't have to be down(Not responding to keep alive options) for surecall to kick in, a PBX just needs to send one of the below SIP codes and we will unconditionally forward the call to the supplied surecall number. The following list, are SIP responses codes that will trigger an unavailable c…
Contents * SIP Introduction * SIP Requests * SIP Responses * SIP and RTP Testing * What is a SIP Polling Re-invite SIP Introduction SIP clients traditionally use TCP and UDP port 5060 to connect to SIP servers and other SIP endpoints. SIP is primarily used in setting up and tearing down voice or video calls. H…
ThinkTel supports N11 dialling, but not all Municipalities support all N11 services and they are not always routed to the same destination. As each municipality(Rate Center) decides where these calls are routed to. For example, 211 will sometimes route you to "United Way", "Salvation Army" or "Social Services. So de…
Below is a list of options available for our Hosted BPX lines. Phone Services * Long Distance inclusive (Additional fee) * Voice Mail * MADN (Multiple Appearance Directory Number) * Self-care (Controls your call services, Call records and Voice Mail messages) * Access Codes(*codes) for Call Services * Man…
We have two types of failovers. * Unavailable call forwarding: If all of your configured SIP Bindings are down Surecall will unconditional forward your lines to the specified destination. Further information on how to apply is located How to use SureCall to apply an Unavailable Forward for DIDs Surecal…