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Home > ThinkTel Support > SIP Trunking > Channel Commit/Burst and load balancing
Channel Commit/Burst and load balancing
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Channel Commit = Is the number of committed channels that you will be charged for every month.

Channel Burst = Is the number of channels that you can use (Burst) as needed.

Once you use one of your burst channels it becomes a committed channel for the remaining day.

So if you have 5 committed channels and 5 burst giving you a max of 10 and have 7 calls going then you will have a committed count of 7.


Load balancing = Is balancing your calls via all your IP bindings. This can be a little confusing and can take some custom configuration as explained below.

Our default line selection is Round Robin - All calls will rotate between all your available bindings.

Our optional line selection is Lowest Available (Affinity) - All calls will route to your first PBX line(IP Binding) unless that PBX line is not responding to options then will route to the next binding till the first becomes available.


For our example.

Trunk Channel Commit = 5

Bindings One max channel (Burst)= 5

Bindings Two max channel (Burst)= 5

Maximum Channel = 10


Now here is the sometimes confusing part, depending on line selection.

If Round Robin = you will use all your max channels, so will burst up to 15.

If lowest available = you will only use your max on your first binding so will burst up to 10. Unless you return a failover SIP response as listed here. If you return a SIP: 486 Busy Here, we will not failover.

If you want to burst up to 15 then you will have to set your binding max on all your bindings. In our example, you would set to 10.

So no matter what your max says in uControl, your max will only be a combination of your trunk commit and the max of whatever IP binding is active.


For instructions on how to set your channel commit or burst please review Knowledgebase article

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