Mar 07, 2020
When trying to order a residential or Business line through you have to...
- Log into uControl.
- Click on the blue "Orders" Tab then click on "Order a Service"
- Select the type of service.
If you don't have the right plan, please contact your sales rep. - Select the Rate Center.
If the center you were looking for is not available send a ticket into [email protected] With the Rate center and type of line. They will let you know if they are able to acquire. - Select the number you wish.
- Apply Label and Additional Label (Optional)
- Select the Locale and Second Locale if required or leave as default (Optional)
- Enter the MacAddress of the phone you wish the line provisioned on.
- Enter the Caller ID Name and Number (Optional)
- Record the Web Self-Care Password and Voicemail Pin
- Enter any call forwarding that you wish
SIM Ring Number
Call Forwarding Number
Call Forwarding Delay - Record the SIP password
- Click Create
Click Management-->Dashboard to return to the main screen.
If you were not able to enter the MAC address, you will have to provision the Phone/ATA with ThinkTel. For info on how to provision with us visit our Provisioning Knowledgebase article.
We hope this info was helpful. If you have any problems or questions, please let us know. You can open a support ticket via or you can contact us by phone at 866-928-4465 Options 1-3-1