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Home > ThinkTel Support > uControl FAQs > Move DID(s) from one trunk to another
Move DID(s) from one trunk to another
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When trying to move DID(s) from one trunk to another through you have to...

  1. Open uControl
  2. Click on the blue "Services" Tab, then click "Numbers By Type".
  3. Scroll down to the DID section
  4. Enter the DID in the search field or scroll down to the DID in question. (If you wish more to show change the Show entries)
  5. Click the "Edit" button beside the DID in question.
  6. In the SIP Trunk dropdown. Select the new trunk.
  7. Click on "Save"

Click Management-->Dashboard to return to the main screen.


We hope this info was helpful. If you have any problems or questions, please let us know. You can open a support ticket via or you can contact us by phone at 866-928-4465 Options 1-3-1

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