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Home > ThinkTel Support > Troubleshooting > Password Requirements
Password Requirements
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SIP password:

Must be at least 8 characters long and a maximum of 15 characters long.

Must contain at least 1 upper case characters

Must contain at least 1 lower case characters

Must contain at least 1 digits [0-9]

Can't have more than 3 consecutive digits

Can contain special characters [!@^#$%*_-+=? ] (Recommended but not required)


Selfcare PIN/Passwords

Can't repeat a digit 3 times. (i.e. No 999)

Can't have 3 digits that increase or decrease by 1 in sequence.  (i.e no 123 or 321)

Can't contain 3 digits that match part of a telephone number associated with the account.


Selfcare( password

Must be at least 8 characters.

Must contain at least 1 upper case character.

Must contain at least 1 lower case character.

Must contain at least 1 special character [!@^#$%*_-+=? ].

Must contain at least 1 digit [0-9]


*98 PIN Code

Must be a minimum of 4 Digits



Must be at least 8 characters.

Must contain at least 1 lower case character.

Must contain at least 1 upper case character.

Must contain at least 1 digit [0-9]  Can't have 3 digits in a row.

The password cannot contain a substring of your account number 2000xxxx

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