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Home > ThinkTel Support > Troubleshooting > A Toll-Free number is NIS from a Thinktel number.
A Toll-Free number is NIS from a Thinktel number.
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This is most likely caused by the fact that when a Toll-Free number is ported away. The Toll-Free provider is not required to inform the losing carrier of the port away request.


So what happens is that if you call the Toll-Free number from the PSTN, the off-net calls are routing properly via the Toll-Free provider.

But the number will still be in our switch, so when you try to call the Toll Free number from your ThinkTel number we will try to route the call on our network and an NIS will then be returned.


If you experience issues calling Toll Free numbers. Please contact Thinktel Support.

You can open a support ticket via or you can contact us by phone at 866-928-4465 Options 1-3-1

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